Bragging About the Kids

It's show season and I've been hearing a lot of talk about some of my colts and fillies doing well this year.

Polaris, my 1st colt, (he's a gelding now) born in 2004 showed 3rd Level Dressage this past weekend with scores in the 60's, winning the 1st class with a 66%.  I'm pretty sure this was his 1st time out at 3rd Level.

Pleiades, Priscillsa, and Cain - are out in the hunter rings willing ribbons and showing what great 5 and 6 year old horses they are.  Their owners love them and it is so nice to see everyone so happy.

Petite Belle, who qualified for the 4 year old USEF/Markel Young Horse Championships last year, was showing at 1st Level with scores in the 60's and 70's.  She will probably be at Regional Finals this year.

And this year there are two 3 year olds, Pierre and Pluto, that are expected to be showing later this summer at Training Level.  Not a lot of 3 year olds showing Training Level, but several of mine have :).

Here's Pluto showing his stuff on the lunge:

 I think he is going to do well!

If you own one of my kids, please send pictures and information - I like to brag!

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