Some Stallion Wisdom - Part 4 - Discuss It With a Stallion

Discuss it with a Stallion.

I think that the reasoning behind this part of the saying is that you can't or shouldn't tell a stallion what to do.

I would agree with that - just try using a crop on my rump and see what that gets you!

I like for my rider to listen and be quiet.  Don't be squeezing and jabbing my sides, jerking me in the mouth, or popping me with that whip. Less is more with a stallion.

I am a very sensitive guy and I can feel every move you make, hear your breathe and heart beat, and smell your emotions.  That's what stallions are supposed to do - watch, listen, and smell for the protection of the herd.

I usually know what you want before you ask.  But if I don't understand - I know your intent and will try to please.  I want adoration, appreciation, courtesy, and consideration - don't you?

Respect a Stallion.

Next week will be the last post in this series of Stallion Wisdom.  Let me know how you like it so far in the comments below.

If you missed the first parts of the series you can click here - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


bloomingrosevine said...

This is such a beautiful blog. You must be in heaven around all these gorgeous creatures all day long.

bloomingrosevine said...

You must be in heaven living with these gorgeous creatures all day long. Beautiful well put together blog.

Unknown said...

Yes, it is quite amazing - thank you for visiting and leaving such nice comments.